Alumni Association Board

“The Alumni Board is a voice for alumni and connects us to our greater Beloit family.”

Cameron Dieter’16, current Alumni Board member

Meet the members of the Beloit College Alumni Association Board

Cameron Dieter’16

Cameron Dieter’16

Board President
Portland, Oregon
Project Manager

No matter where I go, no matter what I do, Beloit will always be my home.

Lucy Gray’88

Lucy Gray’88

Board Vice President
Northbrook, Illinois
Education Consultant

Beloit College has been foundational to my life. I am grateful for the education I received as well as for the community I experienced while on campus. To this day, I love learning, connecting to others, and am a perennial idealist!

Kevin Stevens’87

Kevin Stevens’87

Board Secretary
Antioch, Illinois

Beloit continues to encourage my curiosity… after all these years!

Bengisu Abramsky’93

Bengisu Erenli Abramsky’93

Houston, Texas
Business Optimization

The liberal arts education offered at Beloit College opens minds which, in turn, opens doors and new paths one doesn’t even imagine when first setting out on their career. Beloit is where I learned I could pursue my varied interests as far as I wanted to take each of them, and the only limitation to how far I got was my priorities and effort. This “I can” attitude helped me throughout my life. Beloit College quite literally changes lives.

Brienne Adams’08

Brienne Adams’08

Beloit, Wisconsin
Graduate Student

Beloit College has shaped so much of my personal and professional life. From my time as a Beloit College Help Yourself Programs student from the 4th through 12th grade, my time as a McNair Scholar, and working for the college, I have strong ties to the college and the community. I am glad to serve in this capacity with my fellow Beloiters!

Joe Brambil’16

Fairbanks, Alaska
Law Clerk

Beloit’s unique culture and engaging faculty encouraged me to leave my comfort zone and pursue experiential work that helped shape who I am today. Also being able to play college soccer and lacrosse was neat as well.

Eleanor Chiquoine’76

Eleanor Chiquoine’76

Reedsburg, Wisconsin
Executive Director for Habitat for Humanity (retired)

It’s a fantastic place to get an education, and to get launched into the world!

Laura Grube’08

Laura Grube’08

Faculty Liason
Beloit, Wisconsin
Associate Professor of Economics

I know that a Beloit College education is transformative, and I’m proud to be a part of the college as a faculty member and member of the Alumni Board Association.

Jishnu Guha’13

Jishnu Guha’13

Mumbai, Maharashtra

Beloit enabled me to acquire the tools needed to pursue the multi-faceted career path in the arts that I set out on early in my college career.

Victoria Herring’70

Victoria Herring’70

Des Moines, Iowa
Retired Attorney; Fine Art Photographer

It was a formative experience for me, and I especially like it’s view of the liberal arts, life-long learning, curiosity and education. Much of what I became over the years is because of Beloit and what it instilled in me.

Calago Hipps’15

Calago Hipps’15

Dallas, Texas
Instructional Literacy Coach/Adjunct Professor

Beloit gave me the tools necessary to succeed in any industry, as well as the passion and self awareness to know serving others was my purpose.

Anu Hittle’86

Anukriti Hittle’86

Washington, D.C.
State Government Official

Beloit gave me the safe intellectual and emotional space I needed to create and flourish, and become a global citizen.

Phil Kraemer’88

Philip Kraemer’88

Tallahassee, Florida
Security Trainer/Adjunct Professor

Beloit made me who I am today. Everyone should have a college experience like Beloit can provide.

Linda Materna’70

Linda Materna’70

Lawrenceville, New Jersey and Nashville, Tennessee
Retired Professor Emerita of Spanish, Rider University

Beloit is precious to me, and I am dedicated to its prosperity. The College shaped my worldview, leading me to see myself as a citizen of the world, obligated to live not only for my own advantage but also for the wellbeing of others and the planet. Beloit also deepened my love of learning. It taught me to think creatively, outside the box, and with an interdisciplinary approach. I gained at the College the knowledge and skills to succeed professionally and solve real life problems. Finally, it taught me the importance of dedication to community in giving life meaning and purpose. I am deeply grateful.

Farooq Pasha’03

Farooq Pasha’03

Karachi, Pakistan

Beloit College liberal arts education has had a deep influence on almost every aspect of my life. The respect for different views and ability to approach any issue from all angles were engrained in my personality during my time at Beloit College (2000-2003). To me, Beloit College’s version of liberal arts education is about having the ability to be flexible and strong enough to explain ones view while also be willing to have them changed if convinced otherwise. The world can surely use more of that and it has only become even more important in time.

Jessie Pechmann’09

Jessie Pechmann’09

Salt Lake City, Utah

I love Beloit because it is a place that cultivates an interest in learning and a curiosity in the world. While at Beloit, I learned how to problem solve and work with a diverse and passionate set of people. I was also given the space to find my own skills and interests. While studying abroad my junior year, I learned Geographic Information Systems (GIS). With that skill, and the foundation I gained at Beloit in communication, critical thinking, and just a plain interest in everything, I’ve been able to use my liberal arts education as a basis for an interdisciplinary career in STEM, working in the public and humanitarian sectors. All Beloiters I have met have such interesting stories, and it’s an inspiring community.

Emily Quinn’10

Emily Quinn’10

Orange County, California
Human Resources Consultant and Job Coach

Beloit College is unlike any other. The experiences I had, in and out of the classroom, shaped my life in ways I didn’t anticipate when I visited campus the first time!

Tim Smith’91

Tim Smith’91

Past President
Dellwood, Minnesota
Management Consulting

For me, Beloit has truly lived up to the idea that colleges can change people’s lives. The support I’ve gotten, the critical thinking I learned, and the experiences I received at Beloit have helped carry me through to a life I love and a career that has been incredibly rewarding. I can attribute so much of what has helped me prosper to my Beloit experience. I also met my amazing wife Beth at Beloit, so that has also endeared me to the college.

Hannah Yee’19

Hannah Yee’19

Minneapolis, Minnesota
Graduate Student

I loved the education I received from Beloit and the long-lasting connections and friendships I made. Beloit College has amazing professors that care for their students, provides many opportunities for students to become involved in the broader community, and the students care deeply for social justice and activism.

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